About us
Dear visitor!
Kiviranna Ltd. was established at the beginning of 2012 as a family business in order to develop the holiday center at the 2 ha size property at the shore of the lake Võrtsjärv.
Our mission is to launch holiday center, which follows sustainable use and management of the local natural environment and meets the needs and requirements of our visitors.
We strive to create additional earnings for area businesses and local residents as well as to broaden the activities for tourists visiting the lake region.
Kiviranna hostess Jaanika Kaljuvee – contacts: kaljuveejaanika@gmail.com or +372 52 98 561
Kiviranna host Allan Norman Kaljuvee – contacts: a.n.kaljuvee@gmail.com or + 372 53 03 13 29

Our major partner is NGO Lake Võrtsjärv Fisheries Development Agency www.vortskalandus.ee . Kiviranna Ltd. is also the member of the fishery NGO and owns the licence for trap catch in river Emajõgi.
We offer You quality accommodation in the cozy cottages or in luxury lake view apartment. In summer season You can enjoy outdoor swimming pool and relax in terrace cafe.
Catering sites nearby Kiviranna Holiday Home are Käsu-Hans restaurant in Puhja; fish restaurant Võrtsu Sahver; Oiu Harbour Restaurant or cafe Konks in Võrtsjärve visitor center.
You are welcome to visit other interesting places in Tartu or Tartu county http://visittartu.com/ and in Estonia http://www.visitestonia.com/en/